1) What do you like about blogging?
blogging helps me to improve my writing skill because i need to reflect and vomit all the input given in the blog. so i gained both my skill and critical thinking...
2) What you don't like about blogging?
...blogging needs time to write..because of time constraint and a lot of sub-work to do, so the blogging time become limited and not many things can be shared because of that obstacles..
3) What have you gained from blogging?
As I mentioned earlier, blogging has improved my critical thinking and also my writing skills.
...when we need to recall back what we had taught then use it to write in good manner, that is the way how the skill and mind have developed...~put my ideas and opinions into words so that readers out there can get the messages of what I tried to tell.that's all...
4) What do you like about this course?
...improve my technology skills...get the opportunity to use all the softwares and scrutinize it in the proper way...through modules given and the tasks..~so, tasks and modules are the great medium to learn the technological skills...hence, i can produce better teaching aids both in non and technology teaching aids..
5) What you do not like about this course?
...modules..if were given in the early of semester, i think it's better because at least we can manage the time earlier...
6) What have you learnt from this course?
...preparing to be 21st century teacher...i am not referring to book only but also can use the branches of technology to extend pupils' achievement and understanding..
7) What have you learnt from this course that you did not expect to?
... focus on TEchnology teaching aids..not really involve the non-technology aids..since the course brings "Using and Developing resources for Esl classroom"..but, overall, fantastic.~
8) What have you expected but you do not learn from this course?
....i thought we need to prepare like puppets or more of word and picture cards..~~~but i've learned all about technology~..
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