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Saturday, November 13, 2010

TEaching AIds IS Not A Virus Or FLU~!

Many teachers feel intimidated about using computers in class. Teaching with computers in the classroom is easy and prepares students for the future.

Teaching with computers in the classroom is really not any different then teaching with textbooks or notebooks. They are all just another tool, on the journey, that prepares students for adult life.

Computer education does not have to involve complicated Flash presentations or animated games. The prime focus of computer education in today’s classroom should be gaining information and word processing. Teach students to use computers, in a way that will help them in the future.

Teaching Students to do Research on the Internet
The Internet is a great source of information, some good and some bad. Students need to know how to find information, and then need to evaluate the information that they have found.

Computer Education for Communication and Presentations
Teacher/student email communication is an excellent way to target the students with special needs, as well as the gifted. Teachers can pose questions that target a particular student’s level and interests. Ask them questions that will engage and challenge them.

Encourage students to write stories and projects using a computer. In the higher grades, teach them how to make simple graphs or charts. Teach students how to add color, images and change font size. Students should learn how to make a project or presentation that will attract an audience. Teach them how to make a visually appealing document or project.

Teaching computer lessons does not have to be intimidating. Teachers should be willing to learn as they go along. Also be prepared to learn from students. There are always a couple of computer wizards in every class. Focus lessons on teaching research skills and communication (including word processing). This will prepare students for their future in the modern world.


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